Vitamin D

What Is It?

Vitamin D or the ‘Sunshine vitamin’ helps your body absorb calcium, one of the main building blocks for strong bones.

Why is it important?

Vitamin D is important for a healthy heart , blood vessel and for normal blood pressure. It can also reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation. In children, vitamin D deficiency is manifested as rickets, a disease characterized by a failure of bone tissue to become properly mineralized, resulting in soft bones and skeletal deformities

How much is needed?

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1 – 3 years old

600 IU/ day

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4 – 6 years old

600 IU/ day

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7 – 9 years old

600 IU/ day

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10 – 12 years Boys

600 IU/ day

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10 – 12 years Girls

600 IU/ day

Which foods is it sourced from?

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Chopped porks

50 gms
100 IU

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Boiled egg yolk

100 gms
120 IU

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Drumstick leaves

50 gms
300 IU

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Dry golden raisins

25 gms
120 IU

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